Thursday, August 20, 2009


i feel like i just have to write it somewhere.

"i wish you could just understand that they are mine and maybe you should back off."

i wish i was still 14. then i could just write lots of pointless angst-ridden blogs and it really wouldn't matter. Maybe I should make a fake profile and pretend to be 14 and then i could be bursting at the scenes with angst.

On the plus side. I re-discovered my dream journal that i started in 2005. i'm terrible at keeping up to date and writing in it. but gee it's a good read!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


i think one day soon i'll actually be ready to write my story.

Monday, May 4, 2009


today the last of kirby's birthday presents arrived, so i was able to give them to her only one day late. i thought that would be exciting enough, but when i found the last package by the door... there was also one for me.

i couldn't remember ordering anything, there is a book i ordered from dymocks that they never actually sent me, or charged me for even, so i thought perhaps it was finally that... but when i opened it, it was this book "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"... when i opened it, i was thinking 

hmm... i remember looking at this online... i don't remember ordering it... or did i? maybe i did... i do forget things a lot... and i do order a lot... i must have forgotten all about it... oh tash... you are quite silly...

but then i checked my emails, and my bank, and my credit card transactions... and i definitely didn't buy this book... also... there was no receipt with the package, like you get with things you order online...

so my suspicions are that it was either my mum, or my brother in law, it's the type of thing they would do... but then, i don't see why they wouldn't say something to me, or at least make a hint about it. the complete anonymity about it makes me think that perhaps it was someone else... just doing a nice deed or maybe just wanting to do something nice to make me happy. i think maybe i'd prefer not to know, because the thought of people doing nice things, and not needing recognition for them makes me smile. 


Tuesday, April 28, 2009


sometimes i change the font i write my stories in to try and reinvent them for myself so i am inspired.
sometimes this works.
sometimes this does not.

Friday, April 24, 2009


i'm almost finished with heroes season 3.
this program makes me so anxious. 
i almost want it to be over just so that i'm not trying to figure out how it ends.
but then when it's over i know i'll miss it.
it is my current addiction.
i've only recently got over torchwood, and my supernatural addiction is on hold.

i finished getting all of kirby's birthday presents today.
i wont talk about it. 
just in case she reads this.
but it's going to be fantastic.

although the one thing she does know about, is the plane tickets to melbourne!
i'm so excited to be going to melbourne... TO SEE JOHN GREEN!
oh joy!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

television and stuff.

Wednesday night has become an even better night of television.
I was looking forward to seeing Lawrence Leung's Choose Your Own Adventure.
It really lived up to expectations, I was laughing the whole time.

I partially wish I had gone to see his show at the Fringe, but I'm also glad that I stayed at Frank's. Definitely had a good night. 
Although I'm still suffering from it, and it's Wednesday...
I'm going to miss him...

I've been avoiding uni this whole week due to intense tiredness... probably not a good thing. 
But on a positive note JBHIFI had My Sims for Wii for only $27!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

the moleskin: does that mean it's made out of moles?

Some day soon I'm planning on buying this. as in some day after Thursday, that may hopefully perhaps be known as Friday. 

I'm really enjoying my class The Short Story it's great to be given the chance to write around other people who don't really know what they're doing either. As soon as I saw the red moleskin notebook I knew that I had to have it. 

For someone who doesn't like the colour red, I sure have a real attraction to it... But I want to have a notebook that I will carry around with me everywhere, so that I can write down all the little things that come into my head: the scenes, the characters, the phrases, the lines.

I'm so glad I got over my fear about letting people know I wanted to be a writer. I've just always felt that if I actually let people know I'd have to instantly present them with all this proof about what a brilliant writer I am. The truth is I'm not a brilliant writer, I may never be, but if I don't at least give it a go then I know I'd constantly regret it.

So watch out you little red moleskin, after friday you will be subjected to my ever changing slightly appalling handwriting.